2 Databasejoin tabla clients


Ariel Prado
Hi there.

He did not speak English, but I'll do the best possible translation.


I have a form which contains 2 databasejoin with data from the same table: client.

Example: 2 databasejoin, that is to choose two different clients.

The problem: When I add a new client, the client appears in the two fields databasejoin

Could help me with this thanks.


Can you please show the tables and joins (fields)? It looks like you have buyer and seller pointing to the exact same field via the join and if so they will BOTH get updated if the join value changes.
Both fields point to the same table customers.
But I need to register 2 clients, one buyer and one seller.
Please show the tables and joins (fields). We can't help if we don't know what we're working with. You already said they both point to the same table, but from where and which fields are joined to what what? Also how are they joined - LEFT, RIGHT???
