3.2 tabbed form template


Active Member
I installed 3.2 to a fresh location and it does not seem to have the bootstrap_tabs form template. Is that a separate download now or did something else change?

It's in github:


.. can't remember if it goes in the main component install or not.

Really, to all intents and purposes, if you are doing anything other than very basic Fabriking, think of the installer as the boostrapper. It'll get you going, but a lot of the fun stuff, extra goodies, and added functionality is in github. We just can't shoehorn it all in to an installer ... we've already hit 7mb (or whatever it is now, I haven't even looked at the size fo the 3.2 ZIP), if we threw in everything and the kitchen sink, it'd be a 20mb+.

-- hugh
It's correct /form/bootstrap_tabs is missing in the download zip.
But /details/bootstrap_tabs is there, I assume you can just copy (I didn't test).