Accesing a field through a complex join or view


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Hope you can help me.

I have three tables: Inventory, Companies and Invoices

Inventory fields
  1. Id_Inventory (key)
  2. Item
  3. Id_Invoice (Invoices databasejoin - Label: Invoice Number )
Companies fields
  1. Id_Company (key)
  2. Company name
Invoices fields
  1. Id_Invoice (key)
  2. Invoice Number
  3. Id_Company (Company databasejoin - Label: Company name)
This is the problem:

I also need to show the name of the company in the inventory table -> 4. Company Name
The problem is that from the inventory table I can only access the id of the company through the invoice table.
How I can access the name of the company?

Inventory table -----> Invoices table <--------> Companies table

Thank you very much for your help.
Ok, I should use the Concat label.
There is no problem if I want to access the invoice number (Invoices table). There is a databasejoin pointing to it.
But I cannot access Company Name (Companies Table).
Remember. I need to access to the company name from Inventory Table.
I need to show the invoice and the company which the invoice belongs of each item of the inventory table

Inventory ---> Invoices ----> Companies.

I specify en Concat label the field Invoices.Invoice_Number.
But cannot access the field Companies.Company_name
It says the field doesn`t exist.

I tried with

Invoices.Invoice_Numbre , ' - ' , Companies.Company_name

But also tried with placeholders.
I`m missing something but I don't know what it is ....
Yes, as in the WIKI you have to fetch it via a SQL query
If the label of your dbjoin is a dbjoin value itself get it's label with
Code (Text):
(SELECT name FROM table2 WHERE = {thistable}.element)
So something like
{thistable}.Invoice_Numbre , ' - ' ,(SELECT Company_name FROM Companies WHERE Companies.Id_Company = {thistable}.Id_Company)

You better use {thistable} (literally) instead of Invoices because Fabrik may create aliases like Invoices_1 etc

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