Another error


New Member
I just installed a fresh version on jooml 1.1.12 and it installs okay. However I get this error when I try to go to any of the menu items:

Fatal error: Class fabrik_csv_import: Cannot inherit from undefined class fabrik_import in /home/paths/public_html/components/com_fabrik/fabrik_export.class.php on line 6

Could you try cutting the code in /components/com_fabrik/fabrik_export.class.php (around line 386):

class fabrik_import extends mosInstaller{
	* @param string The name of the php (temporary) uploaded file
	* @param string The name of the file to put in the temp directory
	* @param string The message to return
	function uploadFile( $filename, $userfile_name, &$msg ) {
		global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
		$baseDir = mosPathName( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/media' );
		if (file_exists( $baseDir )) {
			if (is_writable( $baseDir )) {
				if (move_uploaded_file( $filename, $baseDir . $userfile_name )) {
					if (mosChmod( $baseDir . $userfile_name )) {
						return true;
					} else {
						$msg = 'Failed to change the permissions of the uploaded file.<br />';
				} else {
					$msg = 'Failed to move uploaded file to <code>/media</code> directory.<br />';
			} else {
				$msg = 'Upload failed as <code>/media</code> directory is not writable.<br />';
		} else {
			$msg = 'Upload failed as <code>/media</code> directory does not exist.<br />';
		return false;

and pasting it right at the top of the same file, just under:

/* MOS Intruder Alerts */
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );

Let me know if that works
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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