Auto fill problem on latest github update


Active Member
I am facing problem in selecting the auto-complete dbjoin field and consequently auto-fill other fields dependent on this field. I update from github today.

Again now when downloading from github now we are getting the zip file as instead of the exact version number we used to get earlier, that was much more convenient to keep track of different versions.
That is a live production site. And I have gone back to the old git update, which is working fine.
I can update to the current git for a limited time for testing. but when you are free, how do I know?
Ok, I have identified the problem, where the auto-fill is not working, but couldn't find a solution except to go-back to older github, which works fine.

Example set-up to recreate the problem I am facing.

source field for auto-fill is a DB Join field(joined as auto-complete), so if keep the destination field also as the DB Join field (joined as auto-complete) keeping the same join.

So if my source field is say class-id 6, then destination field was correctly field with class id 6 and showing me the label of field and not the id.

But now auto-fill is not working if the destination field is a DB Join field and I cannot use a simple field for DB Join field as it will display ID instead of the value I want to show.
not sure I follow - is there any chance you can set up a test form showing the issue?
it is already setup and auto-fill is working on old github of 1st March 2013, but if I update the autofill doesn't work in the particular setup I have mentioned above.

I have a fee receipt form where admission number is the field to be observed. The other field to be auto-filled(destination fields) are student Name, class and roll number.

The source fields are from student list. The class field is a auto-complete DB join field in student list, accordingly I have created a class field in fee-receipt list as class as auto-complete rendered as auto-complete. This is working fine in the github update up to 1st March.
I can PM you the link & password if you want to have a look.
Hi pkjoshi, did you have any luck getting this resolved? I am stuck on this and it is a bit of an issue before I move forward with a project.

I have tried going back to an old github but mustn't be doing that right as it breaks my site. If there are any helpers out there I can PM my test site details if required.

Cheers, Matt.
Hi Rob, would fixing autofill in 3.1b be on your radar? I am embarking on a project and would like to start on Joomla 3. I got it working in J 2.5.9 but not on J 3.

Cheers, Matt.
i just committed some changes - not sure if they will help as for me the plugin is working.
@pkjoski - yes please send me an ftp account and site details so i can see what your set up is like.

@Harrignton - the plugins pretty much the same between the two, so any issue in one should be apparent in the other.
No Rob, the problem is still not resolved. I am facing the same problem narrated in #4 and #6 above.
I am sending you the the login details separately via PM.

Hey Rob,

I have set up a blank Joomla 3 installation with latest github and autofill with no joy. I will pm you some login details. I still have the same issue. The options of autofill don't match the J2.5 options. The Autofill on load dropdown is blank in J3. I have it working fine in J2.5.9.

Cheers, Matt.
I logged into the site, went to the 'fee receipts' form, entered '779' as the admission number and it fills the fields with the correct user. So either its working or you are running with the previous version from git which you said worked. I'm not sure which one is the case though?
Yes I am using the previous version from GIT. I have even checked with the most recent version, it is still not working. As already stated the problem I am facing is only in cases where both the source fields and destination field are of type - Auto complete. It is working quite fine as you have yourself checked.
But it is not working on GIT versions later than 1st march 2013.
Its hard for me to test if the page I'm looking at doesn't exhibit the problem, can you set up a test form with the latest github code and the bug so I can see what is causing the issue.
Hi Rob, I have created a test setup with a recent GITHUB, where the autofill is not working.

How can I send you the link & password for that setup. I can't see a PM link as in old forum.
If you click on a profile pic, for anyone, you should see a "Start Conversation" link?

Also, if you fill in your "Fabrik Sites", that helps. You should see a link in your 'user info' (the stuff to the left of any of your posts) to "Fabrik Sites"?

-- hugh

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