Basic question about access restriction


I'd like to prevent access to my forms by non-registered users. Is there a way to do this? I have not been able to get the element access restrictions to work, but that is not really what I want. I would really like to prevent the entire form from even being viewed by a non-registered user. The form is at
Thank you. I've set the access to all the menu items and the lists to "Registered User." I am still able to access these forms while not signed in. Maybe I am not understanding the meaning of "access" or "registered user." Does the "access" restriction just prevent the data being saved in the database if the user is not signed in? I was hoping to be able to completely block viewing of the form altogether (to prevent someone from entering a bunch of data without signing in, and then losing it when they submit it).
"Joomla menu item", Fabrik "list", "form", etc -- that's all different things for which you can set different access levels, so let's not mix them up or assume that a form is "safe" because the list is. You might be able to prevent guests (= visitors not logged in) viewing a list by restricting the respective menu item and the list to only registered users (= logged in) but, yes, they could still be able to access the related form.
So, you'll need to set the access level "Registered" for the form as well -- and the form's menu item, if one exists.

If you want to play it ultimately safe, you could apply such access restrictions to each individual element of the list as well.
I've actually set the forms to "Registered" access level, but can still access them when I'm not logged in. I thought the idea was that guests who are not logged in would not be able to access those forms if access was set to "Registered" but maybe I am missing something....
Have you double-checked that
- in J!'s user options, "New User Registration Group" is set to "Registered",
- also in J!'s user options, "Guest User Group" is set to "Guest",
- access level "Public" has only "Public" checked,
- access level "Guest" has only "Guest" checked,
- and access level "Registered" has only ""Registered", "Managers" and "Super Users" checked and definitely not "Public" or "Guest"
Ok, the Guest User Group was set to "Registered" for some reason. I switched it to "Guest" and now is working as expected. Thank you!