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Best way to store selected list data to a different form


New Member
Hi guys,

with an extern db connection I created a fabrik list with many joins and querrys. Now I'm searching for a way to store the data from the selected rows to another internal fabrik form.

Is it in anyway possible? Because the data that should be stored in the new form with repeateble rows.

I don't know how to handle it and would be thankful for help.

Best regards.
I would
create myParentTable: holding your form elements of the non-repeat group(s)
create myChildTable: with the elements you need for storing the data from the external table + one FK element pointing to myParentTable.id
add a join to myParentTable from myParentTable.id to myChildTable.FK, repeatable

Then use a php list plugin in the external list which creates one record in myParentTable and copies all selected rows into my ChildTable with the appropriate FK.
ok thanks for your answer.
This is the way I thought on my own. But I was hopeful that there is a quicker and more easy way for storing selected rows to another fabrik form maybe with a plugin e.g.

OK I insert the date to myParentTable than it generates the ID... could you please tell me when I insert the data to the childTable how I get the parent ID that the autoincement set before in the parentTable?