Bootstrap Temaplte & Drop Down In List View


In the demo of fabrik 3 the template is bootstrap (Admin template?) - Is this available yet for Fabrik 3

Also on the end of a row there is drop down where you can select edit, view and copy. How can I get this to show instead of the default 3 buttons?

Hello Mark.

For the Bootstrap thing, I don't know but I am also interested by the situation with that setting.

For the buttons, in the "Links" slider of your list settings, choose "Render buttons as floating" instead as "inline".
Thanks JF

I had tried that and just tried it again but no luck - the buttons appear then disappear as if gantyry is over writing a css setting, so I think I just need to find where the css is and copy it to my custom_css file

Thanks for your time

Thanks Felixcat I have tried the bootstrap template but it fails to display properly - I assume because it is for Joomla 3?

Do you know where the toggle switch for the buttons is located (the css?) so I can add it to my custom css?

Well the demo servers on 2.5 so it's workable.

I would imagine there's more to it then simply putting the template folder in place. There must be some libraries for the Bootstrap as well.

I haven't actually looked at it yet but I may tonight as I need it for my new demo server, the layout is causing me grief at the moment. :D
I'd removed the bootstrap code from fabrik 3, as the changes were becoming incompatible with maintaining what we have. The demo server is most likely running the code from github before I made that change.

So for now you will need to use the joomla3 branch using Joomla 3a2 if you want to take a preview look at this. Of course not for a live site!