Cannot edit in backend code area


New Member

I cannot edit several backend parameters where I guess an ace editor should shown up.
In the DOM, only this is there:

<div id="jform_code-0_3afe22-aceContainer">
  <div id="jform_code-0_3afe22-ace"></div>
  <textarea name="jform[code][0]" id="jform_code-0"></textarea>

I cannot click into the textarea or type anything.

It happens, e.g., for typing my own Javascript, in the email plugin for message text etc.
But in some cases, e.g., the default value of an element, the ace editor is there.

What to do?

Which exact Joomla version, Fabrik version?
Which browser?
What is ace-editor (try with standard Tiny-MCE or JCE)?
Which Joomla template?
Joomla 3.2.3, Fabrik 3.1. Chrome (newest) on Linux/Windows.
I did not change anything about the editor in fabrik. I use JCE as default in Joomla which works fine in any other situation.
I read about ace-editor in some thread and saw just the CSS classes. I understood that ace-editor (which is plain a JS code editor) comes with fabrik inbuilt.
The admin template is standard isis. I tried with hathor - its the same.

I took two screenshots, the first with the unwanted behavior, the second where I can edit (you see that there is an ace-editor integrated).
Look at and Joomla-error2.jpg

Thank you!
Ah, this is the new (Fabrik3.1) code editor.
It's working on my site.
Do you have any other components/plugins installed? Maybe with e.g. JS compression?
Did you try to clear Joomla and browser cache?
I have some other plugins - Jevents, Acymailing, ... no idea about JS compression.
I clear all of the caches on almost every action ;-)
What confuses me is that it works on one page but not on another.
Update - if I click on the description/title left from the empty textarea (where the editor should appear), the textarea gets the focus and I can type at least in it plain text (2 lines visible). But I would like to get the editor there...
On the console are no messages.