Cannot edit list, form and group data

To start with answers:
Fabrik version with Github update 3.0.5-343
Browser: Mozilla Firefox 12.0
WYSIWYG Editor: JCE 2.0.20
Backend template: Bluestork

I'm not sure about the JS errors. Most of the time when I click some button in the backend Firebug reports: event is not defined, but within seconds, it does show up.

In case of the Pre-filter it says:
event is not defined
ev = click clientX=506, clientY=481 loader....d=12768(line 1)

and nothing happens.

Hopefully this helps
greetings Henk
Problem solved !!!
I don't know what exactly solved the problem, but I think the complete rebuild of the website, leaving out the unused components, modules and plug-ins did the trick.

Thanks all for the great support.
