cannot upgrade fabrik version



Unknown column 'attribs' in 's8ac1_fabrik_connections' SQL=ALTER TABLE `s8ac1_fabrik_connections` CHANGE `attribs` `params` TEXT;
Can you check that your database user has "SHOW TABLES" privileges on your database?

The only way I can see that code running would be if the MySQL user you are using can't do a "SHOW TABLES". That error is coming from the 2.x to 3.0 upgrade SQL file, which would get run if we can't find the #_fabrik_tables table in your database, doing a "SHOW TABLES" query.

-- hugh
i have to manually create, drop some fields, but still have many tables need to do so.

ALTER TABLE `s8ac1_fabrik_connections`
DROP `params`,
DROP `published`;

ALTER TABLE `s8ac1_fabrik_connections` ADD `attribs` TEXT NOT NULL ,
ADD `state` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL ;

ALTER TABLE `s8ac1_fabrik_cron`
DROP `params`,
DROP `published`;

ALTER TABLE `s8ac1_fabrik_cron` ADD `attribs` TEXT NOT NULL ,
ADD `state` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL ;

ALTER TABLE `s8ac1_fabrik_elements` ADD `show_in_table_summary` INT NOT NULL ;

ALTER TABLE `s8ac1_fabrik_elements` DROP `show_in_list_summary`;

ALTER TABLE `s8ac1_fabrik_elements` ADD `can_order` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL ;

ALTER TABLE `s8ac1_fabrik_elements` ADD `attribs` TEXT NOT NULL ,
ADD `state` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL, ADD `button_javascript` INT( 1 ) NOT NULL ;

ALTER TABLE `s8ac1_fabrik_elements`
DROP `published`;
I'm still going through the code trying to work out why / how that code is even running.

Are you updating by uploading a ZIP, or via the network updating in J!?

-- hugh
OK. I still can't find any scenario where that code runs - we've seen this happen just twice so far, in all the upgrades people have done, and it just is not clear why / how those two systems ran the 2.x -> 3.x upgrade SQL files.

Anyway - did you do as I suggested, and update from github? It's (almost) exactly the same code, there's only been a handful of very small commits to github since the 3.3.1 release was built.

-- hugh
Are you saying that's what you did, or that's what didn't work?

So did it fail when you upgraded J! first, or Fabrik first?

-- hugh
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.