• Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
    See also Announcements

  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

    See Announcement
    Please post subscription questions and issues here

    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.



We're talking the Joomla login form as menu item or module, right? This has nothing to do with Fabrik, of course.

However, you can create component or module overrides of the respective files and include your preferred captcha solution there.
Hi lousyfool, it's true, it would have nothing to do with Fabrik.
I used Show a form of access data.
If there isn't something already done, I will have to do one by myself.
Thank you.