Cascadingdropdown add new entries from front end


Hello everybody,
it is possible through a link element, or calc, or display,
create a button to add items to a cascadingdropdown element?

For the databasejoin type element it is possible to activate the option through the "Add option in front end" tab, I would like to be able to do more or less the same thing for the cascadingdropdown element.
Instead of a CCD, you may want to consider using another dbjoin element with "AJAX Update" and "Data where", and then you should be able to have options added in the frontend, too.
Good morning,
I tried but unfortunately it doesn't work...

In my orders table, I have a brand name element of type databasejoin which generates a list for choosing the brand...
Also in the orders table, I had a model name element of the cascadingdropdown type to be able to choose the models related to the chosen brand.

As recommended, I also tried to make a databasejoin with a where clause for the model element, also activating the AJAX Update option, but in any case when I change the brand, in the model element I see the list of all the models and not just those belonging to to the chosen brand.

In the where clause I put:
WHERE {thistable}.`brand` = '{dkgest_model___brand}'

Am I missing something?
...when I change the brand, in the model element I see the list of all the models and not just those belonging to to the chosen brand.
Sounds strange, because usually if something goes wrong, you'd rather get no options at all. So, you should double-check in the DB if {thistable}.`brand` and '{dkgest_model___brand}' are really the same type of values.
With your symptom (ALL models listed) it's likely not going to fix it, but maybe try it with "_raw" appended anyway:
WHERE {thistable}.`brand` = '{dkgest_model___brand_raw}'
I managed to fix the problem...

In the WHERE clause I must not use {thistable}.`brand`, but rather {dkgest_order___brand}...

So here's what I wrote in DATA WHERE:

WHERE '{dkgest_order___brand}' = dkgest_model.`brand`

this way it works.
Ho ancora un problema con questo elemento, voglio visualizzarlo nell'elenco con l'opzione Filter type-Dropdown, ma sfortunatamente nell'elenco il filtro non mostra alcun dato da scegliere.
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