cb 3

I don't know. Does the existing CB plugin work with it?

I haven't touched the CB plugin in a while, and don't currently have a CB install to test it on.

-- hugh
In which case, no, it's not compatible.

I didn't mean to sound flippant, but with several hundred plugins in the various versions of Fabrik, it's hard for us to keep track of them all, and what's compatible with what!

Which leads us to ...

I don't think this is something we can do on just a sub, as it's probably at least a full days work, by the time I've installed a J! test site, set up CB in it, researched the latest CB API and docs, worked out what needs changing in the plugin, cloned the existing plugin to a new version (unless it's possible to have a single plugin compatible with multiple CB versions) so as not to break backward compat for folk running earlier versions of CB, changed the code and tested.

One of the things Rob and I are struggling with at the moment is exactly how to fund stuff like this. There are just too many pkugins for us to keep all of them always up to date with whatever they integrate with, just as part of our day to day Fabrik maintenance. And we fairly obviously can't spend a day or two (8 to 16 hours) on one issue like this even for a Pro sub ($75, or whatever the Euro is trading at today!!). That's less than minimum wage, and we could both make a better living than that asking people "Do you want fries with that?"

We can do small amounts of coding for Pro subs, like that "limit" plugin thing you have going at the moment, where I can code up something to add to the limit plugin in about 20 minutes. But when it comes to many hours work ... we've been trying to accomodate everyone, but we just can't do it any more.

What I'm think of is some kind of "crowd funding" system. Something really simple, like a forum where people can post what they need, and we set a price, and it gets done when the price gets met through pledges.

Any thoughts? We would like to get input from folk on what they think about all this.

-- hugh
I don't know. I've seen maybe 3 people ask about it recently, but I'm sure there are more CB users out there who will be upgrading and running in to this issue soon enough.

I'd be prepared to pledge 2 hours. That's something I think we could include in any kind of crowd sourcing arrangement ... obviously we (Fabrik) benefit from improving and updating these kinds of plugins. Some more than others. So for any given request, I'm thinking we could chip in with our time, rather than $$.

Like I said, at the moment this is just an idea, and we haven't made any actual decisions on which way we want to go. But it certainly seems like a good way to handle development of "non core" code.

-- hugh