Active Member
What collation do you recommend for Fabrik 4 - it seems to be defaulted on latin_swedish
Would utf8mb4_general_ci be ok or better to use as this seems to be the norm in other joomla tables.
I had an issue with validating a utf8mb4_general_ci generated username in a latin_swedish field element in Fabrik:
Incorrect string value: '\xE2\x80\x8B122...' for column 'TCN' at row 1.
TCN field is mapped to the J! username field from the jos_users table
What collation do you recommend for Fabrik 4 - it seems to be defaulted on latin_swedish
Would utf8mb4_general_ci be ok or better to use as this seems to be the norm in other joomla tables.
I had an issue with validating a utf8mb4_general_ci generated username in a latin_swedish field element in Fabrik:
Incorrect string value: '\xE2\x80\x8B122...' for column 'TCN' at row 1.
TCN field is mapped to the J! username field from the jos_users table
- Is there a general config setting to change collation in Fabrik or does it need to be done on each list (Details > Advanced setting)?
- Should I use Force Query Collation and set it to utf8mb4_general_ci in every list?
- Can i simply change one column in Fabrik table to use utf8mb4_general_ci or do i need to do all of them with alter in phpMyAdmin?
- Can this change "break" any settings in Fabrik, I tested on my sandbox and everything "seems" ok!