

did you download it from github?

Its pretty self explanatory, add it as a plugin to your form, choose which method you want to use (I suggest local commenting as you don't need to set up a additonal web service commenting account or install another Joomla plugin) then set the options as required

I'm summarised the options in the wiki for you:
Thank you Rob! it was useful comment.

did you download it from github?
Yes, I do it regularly, and soon I will feel github as a part of my family) Just a pity that its still don't help with cascading dropdown for googleelement, where I choosed city and country... and you still going to go in... Did you receive your login and password in Skype?

As for wiki - it was only one question, maybe you missed it - the last option in wiki as well as in a form is "Digg comments". As I remember in previous comments there is no more digg plugin in F3, and instead you are going to use thumb plugin. If so, possibly it has a reason to put "thumb" in comment form instead of "Digg comments", which cannot be used?

Well, I successfully include this plugin to my form... but it is only in English! I need it in Russian for my site, is it possible? I can help with translation front-end into Russian, if you need.
That is something you can easily do by yourself : in the plugins/fabrik_form/comment/language folder, duplicate the en-GB folder, rename it ru-RU, remane the file inside it ru-RU.plg_fabrik_form_comment.ini and ru-RU.plg_fabrik_form_comment.sys.ini and finally translate the strings inside these files into Russian.

If you know how (there is a good tutorial on the forum), you can push your translations on GitHub so they'll be included into fabrik.
JFQ is correct on how to add a translation.

If you don't feel like fighting with github to submit your Russian translation, I'd be happy to add it for you. Just ZIP the new ru-RU folder up and attach it to a post on this thread.

Re the 'digg' thing. Yes, you are correct, we need to update the Comment plugin to handle the Thumbs plugin rather than Digg. Just FYI, the name of the Digg element was always a bit misleading, as it never provided any integration with the actual system, it was just a local "Like" button that stored the data in a local MySQL table.

I've raised an issue in github for this:

... although note that it has a milestone of 3.0.7, meaning that I need to finish getting the 3.0.6 ZIP release built and released, before working on this. So it'll be at least a week before we start looking at 3.0.7 milestone issues.

-- hugh
That is something you can easily do by yourself
Thank you jfquestiaux, but you overestimate my skills - I can just find a path and had to stop as I cannot duplicate en-GB folder in FileZilla or Plesk Panel at my hosting. If smb tell me how to do it and with what exactly tool - I'll continue
You would download the files onto your PC using filezilla, copy rename and edit them there, then upload them again
sounds very simple, thank you!) I copied to my comp, renamed pathes and files, and started to translate front-end,
BUT for some of sentences I cannot see titles at front-end as it also doesn't work correctly!(( You may try by yourself to check l:testing p:testing1234 to login here and test here
Let's make it working correctly so I can check sentences and can make a translation.
If some things don't show correctly, it's usually problems in the translation file itself, like extraneous or missing quotes, etc.

You'll need to ZIP up and attach your language folder here, so one of us can test it locally and find the problem.

If you do that now, I can add it to github, which will make it a lot easier for us both to make changes.

-- hugh
not in this case - i stated with translation at my comp only. well, it doesn't work correctly (doesn't add comment) at the website, you may check with links. I cannot continue with translation as I don't understand for what cases sentences and need to use correctly working form to check them.
neither of those links produce a form form or details page for me when i log in.
What exactly are you trying to translate? Is it element labels? If so there are no translation strings for this
Rob, I'm afraid we are talking about different things. I cannot add a comment from front end, Did you check it? If you did and can add comment, please can send me a link to see your comment at my site, if not please check what's wrong.
After I can add coments I' ll see any additional notes, and will translate
Hi Vadim

Sorry I didn't understand.
However, after logging in and going to:

I see:
"????????, ??? ????? ?? ??y?????????"

Not a form, or details page. So I made my own test form:

And the issue was that for some reason the plugin did not install the comment database table, so I've altered it so that if we fail to store a comment we try to create the db table.
So you should now be able to add a comment.

Rob sorry I didn't understand you. I made a menu item to see your form at the front-end and it also no possible to add coment as with my forms before, you may check here
Well, lets start again. Please check comment plugin of forms with ID 19 and 21. I expect that users can add their comments for the forms here:
and here
but there is not possibility to add comments.
I still have no answer - what's wrong and what should I do to correct it. Thank you!