content plugin returns [0] => Array

My content plugin shows me an empty list with no data. I don't understand what to do.

Footer text of a form (while viewing the form, I want to see another table's entries for the common entry):
{fabrik view=list id=12 db_articolo___Lotto=[commesse___commessa] fabrikdebug=1}

The SQL query is fine, I ran it through another software and it returns all the entries correctly:
FROM `db_articolo`
WHERE (   `db_articolo`.`Lotto` = '18A_ 3005_0'  )

However, it returns nothing in the list.
This is the debug output right after the query:

   [0] => Array


The exact same table is showing me the correct data when I do a URL placeholders (index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=list&listid=X)

Thoughts, ideas?
this is what is shows:

This is the list with the same filter:
There seems to be a space in the string.
No idea what is happening in this case.
You can't have a space in your URL so how did you "The exact same table is showing me the correct data when I do a URL placeholders"?

Maybe it's URL or HTML encoded and so filtering the the wrong string.
As you can see below, the URL is automatically supplemented for the space character. The data field has a space in the middle, but the query includes the whole string:
So is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Maybe if I could place a condition "the string begins with" and also to trim the first 3 characters of the [placeholder]+ "the string ends with" and to trim the last 5 characters of the [placeholder]?
What element type is 'lotto'?

What happens if you copy the getData query from the debug output and run it in a MySQL client (like phpMyAdmin)?

-- hugh
it's just a field.
I use the dbforge MySQL Studio, and it works perfectly, it prints out the expected result as shown below (this is just a copy-paste of the debug query, no addition from my side).
To exclude character/coding issues:
is the content plugin working with a simple ASCII string (without any spaces, special characters etc.)?
yes, I always type it in the "code" section of the editor, to avoid html pre-formatting. In any case I have to give up, as I have a deadline by Monday.
I'll just use the form PHP plugin to do a SQL search and populate extra fields before processing.
Another workaround would be to create a SQL view of the database where the extra space would be trimmed and then to create a list of that view, plus on the main table, a hidden calc field that does the same to the field with a space in between.
In any way, thank you for your time and I hope this is still useful to you for possible debugging purposes.
I think what @troester means is, does it work if you add a filter in the content plugin that doesn't have spaces. So test by removing the space from one of your 'lotto' field values, filter for that without the space in the plugin text, and see if it shows.

-- hugh