csv export bug?


Hi I tried exporting a table in csv from backend:
In this table I have 2 dbjoins elements, and when I export as csv both id (dbjoinX_raw) and label (dbjoinX) values are exported for each element.
The issue is: in the exported csv column - named update_time_raw_1 - I have the labels of dbjoin2, while in their rightful column I have the exact copy of dbjoin2_raw.
I think I don't have values for update_time_raw_1 at all, but I don't need them. :)
Speaking of which I was wondering: is it possible to "select" only some column to be exported as csv by default?

Thank you
Hmmm, I'll see if I can duplicate that. What type of joins are they? Single or multiple (so dropdown/radio, or checkbox/multiselect)?

Yes, in the List's Publishing settings, CSV tab, you can define which columns to export, and various other presets (if you don't want to use a dialog for that).

-- hugh
I forgot, maybe makes some difference: both are pointing at the same table (player vs player on a list of players) :)
I don't seem to be able to replicate this. I have two joins to the same table, "include data" and "include raw data" both set, and it happily exports the data correctly for both elements.

Not sure what is going on. What other elements do you have on the form?

-- hugh
A bunch of them: but I suppose that the issue comes from the update_time column (or its sister), since everything is fine if I exclude it.
I have a strange feeling about it, it is like if it's somehow doubled:
I enabled csv front end option, and I can see it twice in the list, but the radio button "jumps" from one row to the other instead of behaving as in all the other fields (see attached updatestrange.gif)


  • 2018-01-30 23_09_26-Fabrik_ elements Administration.png
    2018-01-30 23_09_26-Fabrik_ elements Administration.png
    11.7 KB · Views: 24
  • updatestrange.gif
    47.3 KB · Views: 27
Hi, I'm sorry for the delay I just reached my laptop.
I have loads of elements in trash, didn't notice that. May I remove them all safely? :)
I added the login info for a superuser in fabrik mysites section
The guilty list is #1, the problem occurs from Components>Fabrik>Lists - list1 > View Data > Export CSV

Thank you
You can safely empty the trash, except it's up to you which ones you select "drop field" for (or whatever the message is which asks you if you want to delete the actual column from the table). That will depend on whether you have anything else that still references it. For example, if the element you are trashing was a copy of another one still in use.

And the problem is that you have two elements called 'update_time' on that form, ids 8 and 9. Which shouldn't be possible to do, Fabrik should prevent you creating elements with the same name, so I'm not sure how that happened. You'll need to delete one of them (and NOT drop the field).

-- hugh
Thanks I will remove the latter. I don't know how it was possible to have two update_time, I couldn't care less for that field. :) I am sure I didn't add it on purpose, so there is something I did that made fabrik create it. I'll keep you posted if I find something or it happens again.

Thank you