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csv export

Ok...it work for me for the moment.
Is there a simple way with github to update without lose my changes? Or i need to rewrite every time?
Well, the only way to use git without overwriting changes is to actually use git. So you are doing git merges on the command line rather than just uploading a snapshot of the repo. But if you aren't familiar with using git, that's a steep learning curve.

I'll go merge and test it now.

-- hugh
Hmm, before I merge this, have you tested it without selecting an encoding, and just doing a "normal", non Mac export?

Our main concern with any changes we make are that we don't change any existing usage.

-- hugh
Yes, i'm thinking about that...

If i choose "default",
With CSV i have a UTF-8 (opened with open office)
With EXCEL CSV i have UTF-16, but i have 3 character undesired at the beginning
Don't see it before, but don't remember if i used the default settings...

I will do some others tests.

Perhaps safe code is to add an option for chose iconv or not (and in this case use the old code)?
Don't find time to make test, i see it later..

I have another problem
i have a calc element which aggregating some values with sql query.
The calc execute 3 query and concatenate the result.
Work fine in list and form display but export don't return the same result!
List is in menu "Export" (export suivi materiel), element "contacts csv"

(i don't use the modification i've make on csvexport in this site)

Other question:
how to have a /n between values when export a element in a repeat group?

And you win ;) ... i'm going to pro subsciption. Do i just add a subsciption, or is there a upgrade procedure?

Just add. Unfortunately our subs code doesn't handle pro rating, but I'll make up for it.

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So what are the differences in the calc between the list and csv? I didn't see any, but I only checked the first dozen or so.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
Haven't had a chance to look yet. The issue revolved to the bottom of the pile when I couldn't get at it yesterday.

I'll get to it asap.

-- hugh