CSV export



Is there a way to disable the headers with the csv export?

Is far as I see I always have the first line with the field names, but I need an CSV-export without the header line, only the data.


Maybe you can use the listcsv plugin.
In "Export Headings PHP Code" you can change the heading texts.
I didn't try.
Popup says "Code to run before the header row is exported. The $listModel->csvExportHeadings array contains the headings (not keyed by element name), which can be modified. Returning false will abort the entire export. Will be run in addition to any selected file, so can call functions defined in the file(s)".
I don't think you can omit the header totally.
troester, when I look at the listcsv plugin it states: "This plug-in is run on each imported row when importing data from csv files."
It seems that it is for importing data, not for exporting...
The WIKI needs an update...
Meanwhile there are several export features, too.

Install the plugin, add it to your list and see the tooltips.
Wiki and download page.

Ok, I give it a try.
But as you say, it runs before the header row is exported. I think at best I have a row with only the sepeators but I will always have a header row.

Now it is not that great job to open the file and delete it manualy but that it easy forgotten. So an automatic way would still be great.

But maybe it is a solution for another problem I have as now I have a field that is formatted as 999-999-999 but it needs to be outputted in the CSV as 999999999.
So that is a possible solution here.

Many thanks and greetings,

It probably wouldn't be too hard to add an option somewhere in the CSV settings to skip the header row on export, although it would be something I'd have to charge a little to do.

And yes, the listcsv plugin is perfect for doing things like tweaking the format of specific column data. I use it frequently do things like that - normalizing phone number formats, date formats, etc.

-- hugh

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