• Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
    See also Announcements

  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

    See Announcement
    Please post subscription questions and issues here

    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Customised submission message is not triggered after redirect

Before upgrading Fabrik to 3.2 and Joomla from 2.5.4 to 3.3.3, everything was working fine. I had forms that were redirect to a Joomla article (thank you page) and displaying a customised submission message.

There are the placeholders I'm using : <h3>Grazie {nome} {cognome}! Il tuo numero di registrazione ? 14CA10{id} da conservare prima di stampare e da annotare sulla causale del bonifico</h3> used to display perfectly on a Joomla article (same page). Now, the form is redirected but no message is displayed on the top of the page like before.

I have updated Fabrik using the today Github files. My configuration:
  • PHP Version 5.3.28
  • Joomla! Version Joomla! 3.3.3 Stable
  • Database Version 5.0.92-enterprise-gpl-log
Can someone please help me on this matter?
It's working on my site.
Did you try to re-save the form?
Or to delete and recreate the redirect plugin?
Which Joomla template? (Is it displaying other system messages?)
Thank you for coming back to me.
I tried to re-save the form and also to delete and recreate the redirect plugin with no success. I'm using protostar template. All my forms have the same issue. I cannot explain the reason why does it stop working.
Do you get "Record added/updated" if the redirect is unpublished?
What is "Supress messages" in Form Processing set to? (maybe set to something, save form, reset to no, save again).
Yes, record are added or/and updated fine. Suppress messages in form processing is set to no. Please see attached how the parameters are set. Those forms used to worked fine before the update. Do you think is something to do with the server?


  • suppress_message.JPG
    34.5 KB · Views: 395
If you disable the redirect plugin do you get the standard message "Record added/updated"?
Do you get any system message at all?
Do you get a message if submitting the form (without redirect) in the backend?
Did you try to set "Suppress messages" to "success messages", save the form, then reset to NO, save again?
Thank you for coming back to me.
I don't get any system message on the front end from fabrik forms. But I still get system message after adding or amending data in the backend. It is just written "message". See picture attached.
I tried to set "suppress messages" to "success messages" with no success. :(


  • validation_message.JPG
    9.9 KB · Views: 326
Ok, this is exactly the behaviour if "Supress messages" ="Success message" (no message in frontend, "blank" message in backend).
Did you try to set "Suppress messages" to "success messages", save the form, then reset to NO, save again?
Did you try this?
Yes I did follow exactly your instructions with no success unfortunately. I'm wondering if I will have to re-install Joomla and Fabrik...:confused: quite a big website
If you set Supress messages=NO + put a custom message into "Success message" - what do you get in front- and backend?
What if you are creating a totally new list?

Is your Joomla error reporting set to max?
Anything in error log files?
Do you get a message if you e.g. are trying to login with wrong data (in frontend)?
Or the top-of-form error message in case of a validation error?
I noticed now that also when I try to access the frontend with wrong credentials, I don't have any warning message either. So I suppose that something went wrong with the migration from 2.5.4 to 3.3.3 of this website. I have made the test with another website and I did not encounter the same issue. So I will have no choice but to do a fresh Joomla install, oufa.
Thank you very much for your assistance. I will keep you inform of the result.
Another option might be to upgrade to a Standard or Pro subscription, which would enable us to provide some "hands on" assistance on your site. Sounds like this is may be a relatively easy fix, but we'd need to get on your site and dig around. Which is something we don't have the resources to do at the "Community" level.

-- hugh
To see if it's a protostar issue you can switch to beez3 template (Fabrik won't display buttons etc. correctly because it's no bootstrap template but you can test the submission message, login error message etc.)

And/or you can examine the page source if the message is there but hidden via CSS or displayed outside the window...
I think I tried this route too with no success. I've just upgraded my subscription and I hope that Hugh will step into my site and realise the elated miracle. :=) Thank you very much for your help
Another option might be to upgrade to a Standard or Pro subscription, which would enable us to provide some "hands on" assistance on your site. Sounds like this is may be a relatively easy fix, but we'd need to get on your site and dig around. Which is something we don't have the resources to do at the "Community" level.

-- hugh

My issue is still not resolved. I'm really desperate to find a solution. Can someone please look into that? :(
As this is still in community forum it's handled as community.
I'll move it to standard forum.
Fill out the infos in http://fabrikar.com/you/my-sites so Hugh or Rob can have a look.
It would be helpful if you can post additionally a link to your site/form (only Rob/Hugh have access to "Your sites").
Thank you very much:).

I have updated my account with the requested information. Should I post the link of all my forms? Because I have the same issue on all my forms since the last update.