Database join multi select and autocomplete


I searched all the forum, and found nothing about the possibility to have databasejoin element multi select as autocomplete. Our problem is that we have a huge table list with over of 30.000 rows and when we set a multi select option the page cannot load, beacause of the huge loaded list in html. For this, we are using the autocomplete function, but when we need the multiselect option we can´t. We know the possibility of using the list join, but this is not usable for our needs.

Thank you for your answer
Not sure why autocomplete is doing in this case, it's also rendering the complete (or "nearly" complete) list if you are typing e.g. 1 often used character.
If multiselect with "Enhanced Dropdown" (in Layout tab) is not doing you could create a repeat group with your single select dropdown element.
The thread you mention doesn't say it's working well with 100'000 tags, it's only asking.
Did you try to use your data table in a tag element?

For tags you must type at least 3 characters so this may reduce the rendering (depending on your tags/labels) but it is still searching and rendering out of 30'000/100'000
Yes you are right, that is not good solution.
We need to have database join multi select connected to very large lists, and the autocomplete solution is good for this.
So, is possible to combine autocomplete solution with multi select in database join element? We can work on this with necessary coding, but if you can help us with some advice?
Thank you
The thread you mention doesn't say it's working well with 100'000 tags, it's only asking.
Did you try to use your data table in a tag element?

For tags you must type at least 3 characters so this may reduce the rendering (depending on your tags/labels) but it is still searching and rendering out of 30'000/100'000
It doesn't work well
We are trying to modify the chosen-loader.js to not rendering all the data from the list as dropdown and just retrive the data when the user type some characters in the input, you know where in the code this file is called? because we tried to modify the file in components/com_fabrik/fabrik/fabrik/Helpers/Html.php but none error occured. The element is a mutiselect dropdown and the Enhanced Dropdown is active.
