Database where join in element with {$my->id}

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New Member
I have a problem with creating a form where two elements are dropdowntables. They are limited by a join to an other table. They have to show a column from that other table as possible options. The only rows that need to be shown are the rows that are added to that table by the current logged in user. This is saved in the vriendboerid column of the other table.

I'm using Joomla 1.0.12 - fabrik1[1] (started with 1.0.3) on Windows.
I don't know the PHP and MySQL versions.

What did I do:
- Created the element
- Element type: Database join
- Render join as dropdown list
- Selected the correct database, table, keycolumn and value column
- and added the SQL where statement: where vriendboerid='{$my->id}' (also tried: where vriendboerid={$my->id})
- But I don't get any results. (With the quotes I get an empty list, without the quotes I get an error message)
- vriendboerid contains the userid of the users who created that row.

What an I doing wrong?
Hi Rob,

I got al the latest SVN code (91 I think) and indead the where join worked!! Thanks!!, but when I tried to create a new table I got an error. I first thoight it was a problem in my environment so I completely recreated my dev enviroment but it still gives the error. How do I install:
- Windows XP
- Uniform Server 3.3 (With Apache and MySQL)
- Install Joomla 1.0.12
- Install Fabrik 1[1].0.4b--07-06-2007 (also tried 1.0.3)
(If I test this to do new table it all works)
- Copy the components\com_farbik dir administrator\components\com_fabrik to the same on my website.
- If a say table-new it give a java scripting error (element missing)

Please help?

Is this a javascript error in your browser? If so what browser version are you using?

Either way could you post the error?

Yes, you should try it on Firefox, but the error will probably still be there. You might be able to get farther on firefox. The developers just changed the javascript libraries to use MooTools, and they might have missed something.

There is a new patch up in the downloads section, I would try that first.

I would let them know about this bug in a new post, if It still exists in the new patch.

Hi Andre,

I have tried it with firefox and it seems to be working. I'm not getting the pre-filters to work with
{$my->id} yet, but I have to do some more testing. The where join is working!!

I'll try to new patches also. THANKS!! :)
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