DatabaseJoin x List does not open

Can these indexes interfere with the list display ??? ...
Indexes won't hurt (only missing ones do). And if you disable the elements these columns aren't used/touched at all.

I disabled all fields except the ID, and it worked. I was enabling one by one until the list stops again. The following message appeared:

Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage\FileStorage::_deleteFolder JFolder::delete: Não foi possível excluir a pasta. Caminho: C:\AppServ\www\formonline\cache\com_fabrik
Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage\FileStorage::_deleteFolder Falha ao deletar d43be95a00a9de9150287c98861344d5-cache-com_fabrik-0a6d51fd1cba49ebb60a34b62ca76dc7.php
And which element was this? Element type? Do you have custom code (calc, validations, conditions, list/form plugins)?
Do you have correct folder permissions?

After several unsuccessful tests, I decided to build the form again, testing each element, making records for each element included. And after a while I discovered that the element that generates the error in the list is a databasejoin.
The purpose of this element is to check two conditions and return the value. The user will see the value but will not be able to change it, it will only be an informative value and will be used so that the later element can carry out a review.

Example: the DBJoin element (cad_remanescentes___vagas_disponiveis) will check for vacancies (WHERE area = '{cad_remanescentes___area_estagio_raw}' AND turno = '{cad_remanescentes___turno_raw}') and will return the number of available vacancies. Then the user will not be able to enter a higher value in the text field (cad_remanescentes___intencao).

I cannot leave a field open for the user to enter any value. Hence the need to restrict the maximum value in the element (cad_remanescentes___intencao) based on the value of DBJoin (cad_remanescentes___vagas_disponiveis).

I do not need the value of the DBJoin element (cad_remanescentes___vagas_disponiveis) to be registered in the database.

When I disable the element the list works normally, a little slow, but it opens. Now when I enable ... laughs ...

I have to publish this form by 05/17/2021.

Is there any other way for the user to view the number of available vacancies and register only the maximum value = or> than the one presented ??? ...

I'm not a programmer, web designer, developer, etc. Just a person who works in a non-profit institution and wants to help people in some way ... I hope you understand my position ... And I am very grateful to Joomla and Fabrik and the Communities for helping me a lot to achieve this objective.
The purpose of this element is to check two conditions and return the value. The user will see the value but will not be able to change it, it will only be an informative
I don't get exactly what you are doing, but here you'll use typically a calc element.

And/or if you don't need this element in list remove it from list view and set "Include in list query" to no (element's "List view settings")
We are in need of some funding.
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Thank you.

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