date element save's form

Fabrik 3.0.x on Joomla 3.1.x is NOT supported. You need Fabrik 3.1b.
Thank you for the precision.
But as cheesegrits told me on chat, "there have been a LOT of bug fixes since that ZIP [3.1b] was built".

So i'll do with GitHub (with "Advanced Format" to No)
If you have installed the Fabrik 3.1b install from here, and then gone to GitHub and downloaded and unziped the Joomla3 branch, then that is correct and I guess I got confused because you said you had installed 3.0.8 (and if GitHub calls the Joomla3 branch that, I guess it is confusing).

(But if you did download and install the Master branch then that was incorrect.)

Also, the date element has been revised - does it work the way you want with Advanced Formats set to No?
I did install 3.1b and then applied recent GitHub, so that is Ok.
Yes, the date element works the way i want with Advanced Formats set to No
(except that I do not see the Time widget, although set to Yes - but that's not important).
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