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  • Joomla 5.1

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    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

Disappearing labels with tooltips

Removing the line:
&& Fabrik.bootstrapVersion('modal') >= 3

prevents the error in console, but unfortunately seems not to affect the problem itself.
Ok, we already have a media/com_fabrik/js/blockuserinput.js, running on forms in frontend.
There's an issue with the region covered by the blocking div which should be solved here
(only a branch to show the modifications/source)

Can you try? (Debug JS must be enabled in Fabrik Options for running the uncompressed modified JS).
Thank you @troester for investigating this!

It fixes the disappearing label issue, but the non-disappearing tooltip issue still remains.

Unfortunately this change makes this issue to come back:

I can't even think of how could I explain this to my users as I (that means you) already fixed it for them and now I would have to say "Hey, the old issue is back again" :).

I would rather stick to having:

.fabrikForm .fabrikLabel {
display: block!important;

in template_css.php if that's possible. I haven't found any downsides of this workaround yet and maybe it's good enough until a better solution comes up.
Now I stumbled to even more interesting case. The same issue occurs also in back-end form list when hovering on the form label right after refreshing the page.

But it does not occur in back-end list table. And I noticed that the form label in the backend has a
"popover" tooltip, but the list label where the issue does not occur, has a regular html tooltip.

So it seems to be related to the "popover" tooltips which maybe adds "display:none" to the wrong element when the dom has not yet loaded fully.

EDIT: and when the element label in front-end does not have tooltip, this issue does not occur, so everything points to loading of tooltips.
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Yes, that's what I meant by "it's also a backend Fabrik admin forms issue", see also some post before. Lists has only a "title"=ok, additionally elements "parent-icon" has tooltip ->may vanish.

There may be conflicting old Fabrik tooltip handling (e.g. from times before bootstrap) or so.
Must have missed this from so many posts :)
Yes, that's what I meant by "it's also a backend Fabrik admin forms issue", see also some post before.

Very likely
There may be conflicting old Fabrik tooltip handling (e.g. from times before bootstrap) or so.

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