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Display some fields as a result of selecting a value from anot. field [Check same subject STD forum]

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I'm new using Fabrik. Checked the tutorial and this forum messages but I think I did not find post on my need ( feel free to point to me to appropriate one if I missed it, sorry for my english )
I checked the auto-fill plugin but it seems not to be dynamic.

To explain what I want to do with a basic exemple :

I created a form with name, firstname, last time user was seen and user-identifier
I entered several entries for this list. -> ok

I want now to create a new form where I have a drop-down list with all user-identifier available
-> this is ok ( jointable field )

Now my problem, I would like to display name / firstname ( read only mode ) for the last-time he was seen ( as potentially his name / firstname may have changed ) depending of the user-identifier I choose
1 - is it possible ?
2 - if yes, how ?
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I was able to do some updates on field calculation sum or higlighting some fields, but I don't see how to retrieve a value for the field from the DB ? Do youknow where I can find more info on this maybe ?
I found a plugin which allow to do what I need ( cascading drop down )
Will register to standard support and continue the thread on the standard support forum !
OK, let me know here if you have problems posting to Standard, sometimes the forums don't correctly handle the group change when you update a sub.

-- hugh
Hello Hugh, I do confirm that I can not post in the standard forum .... ;-), could you check please ?
From another hand, I read again and again the documentation on the cascade field and I must miss something ....
1 created a first list : name , serial number, size
I populated it of course.
Now, I create another list where I want to display automatically the serial nuimer and the size when I select a name.
I create My cascade field :
-site & connection ->same as previous.
- id -> id ( recommended )
- display name -> serial number
then "watch tab"
- form to monitor : bloc name
- foreign key : bloc name

Of coruse, I have created a drowndown basejoin "name" in my form.
I seen something happening but it do not make any change at the end.
am I missing something ?
Thanks !
We need more details on the join that the CDD "watches". Is it joined to the same table as the one the CDD watches?

-- hugh
Hi Hugh, so 1st, -> ok for standard, I can post :D , thx !
so , let's use my real exmaple instead of example , I think it will be more accurate.
Global : scuba diving bottle management .
1. Created a first table / form with
- bottle name
- bottle serial number
- owner of the bottle
- There are other info but basic and wihtout issues with them ( out of a defined drop down list such as iron /aliminum, color ..Etc... )

Creating several entries , so far so good

2. Now, on a yearly basis , we need to check the status of these bottle and keep track of this review
So, Idea is to use Fabrik as well .
I created an inspection form/group with

Name of the inspector ( ok, drop down list from another form "inspectors names )
Date of the inspection ( date field )
Name of the bottle ( basejoin using the previous form )
then for
Serial name, I would like to have it populated automatically depending of which bottle name I choose.

To configure this field, I use
Data :
-site & connection ->same as previous.
- id -> id ( recommended ) ?
- display name -> serial number
then "watch tab"
- form to monitor : bloc name
- foreign key : bloc name

I have other fields needed but when the 1st one will work, it should be "just" copy/paste and changing content ...

Is it more clear then ?
Thanks !
Hi Hugh, so 1st, -> ok for standard, I can post :D , thx !
so , let's use my real exmaple instead of example , I think it will be more accurate.
Global : scuba diving bottle management .
1. Created a first table / form with
- bottle name
- bottle serial number
- owner of the bottle
- There are other info but basic and wihtout issues with them ( out of a defined drop down list such as iron /aliminum, color ..Etc... )

Creating several entries , so far so good

2. Now, on a yearly basis , we need to check the status of these bottle and keep track of this review
So, Idea is to use Fabrik as well .
I created an inspection form/group with

Name of the inspector ( ok, drop down list from another form "inspectors names )
Date of the inspection ( date field )
Name of the bottle ( basejoin using the previous form )
then for
Serial name, I would like to have it populated automatically depending of which bottle name I choose.

To configure this field, I use
Data :
-site & connection ->same as previous.
- id -> id ( recommended ) ?
- display name -> serial number
then "watch tab"
- form to monitor : bloc name
- foreign key : bloc name

I have other fields needed but when the 1st one will work, it should be "just" copy/paste and changing content ...

Is it more clear then ?
Thanks !
OK, I think what you need to do for the serial number is use 'id' as the foreign key, and turn off "please select". Then it should just automatically select the only matching item.

Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Tapatalk
Checked and rechecked in case of, nothing is displayed ( blank field ) . I would have done this indeed, but seems that there is something wrong then?
FYI, already droppped all tables/forms and recreated in case of ... no changes
OK, the problem was that you were using "Nom du bloc" as the "value" of the first join, instead of the 'id' (Primary Key).

Unless you have some compelling reason to use something else, always use the 'id' (or whatever field says "recommended" by it) as the "value" of the join, and only put the field you want to see rendered as the "label". When doing table joins, databases work best when using the PK of the table you are joining to as the value of your FK (foreign key). Trying to join on something other than the numeric PK can cause big problems.

-- hugh
mmm.. I understand your point , sound logical for me to use the PK , so made some changes on the ID
but I still get an empty value in my drop down list ?
I don't know what you did, but it was working when I left it yesterday. Perhaps I should have said "it's working, don't touch it".

So other than changing the "watched" element to 'id' on the CDD (which is wrong, it's the FK that needed to be 'id', which I'd already changed, plus changing the 'value' of the join element to be 'id')? I changed the watched element back, but it's not working.

-- hugh
OK, I think I see what else you did, you changed the List that the CDD watches, from the correct one, to the "inpections" one.

However, when I tried to change it back, the site when away.

And ... what I suspect is happening with that is that your host has some fairly aggressive resource usage policies, or an overly aggressive firewall, and doesn't like the number of AJAX calls being made, or is somehow interpreting some AJAX call we make as a security issue, and is temp blocking the IP.

I proved that it's IP blocking by firing up my VPN, so I'm coming in from a different IP, and I got straight back in.

I changed that List on the CDD back to the correct one, and it now works. Again. Don't touch it. Lol.


And talk to your host about exactly what is triggering that IP block. They should have logs of what IP blocks get thrown up for what reason.

-- hugh
Hello ,
Got the feedback from my hoster which state that there is no mechanism in place which block execution.
Do you see anymethod to troubleshoot wihtout having server logs / support from my ISP ?
Hello ,
Got the feedback from my hoster which state that there is no mechanism in place which block execution.
Do you see anymethod to troubleshoot wihtout having server logs / support from my ISP ?
Do you run any security plugins, similar to Admin Tools?

Sent from my HTC6545LVW using Tapatalk
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