DOMPDF - Page x of y


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Wiki shows a way of placing page number in PDF (DOMPDF) using mainly CSS counter(). It's a bit of workaround, but it works. My question is - is there a way of getting total pages in PDF? You know, to be able to instert 'Page x of y'? If it requires core hacking - be it, I just have no idea where to even start.
Note that that file will be overwritten on each Fabrik update so you will need to remember to inset that change after updates.
If somebody wants to add an "Options" field in Fabrik Options to set custom domPDF or mPDF options...
Thank you VERY MUCH! I'll test both solutions immediately once I'm home. I wish I was PHP expert enough to add these options, but alas...
I gave you bad information. This plugin will not work with the current version of Fabrik as the codebase is not purely J4. Having said that, you might be able to get the older version to work for you. I have not tested this one in quite some time so I make no guarantees.
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