Doubt in calc element functionallity and sef slug


New Member

I added a calc element (named userslug) to my table that returns a concatenation of two fields and it is used as a sef slug for sh404sef.

Data is correctly shown in list view but the details link is almost empty. It has only the website url plus the table name for all records.

I suspect the cause is already existant data where their respective "userslug" is set to null.

Should I manually update the new column in database records or the "calc on the fly" should apply the correct eval'ed value to the view details link after row data is retrieved?

The sh404SEF plugin for Fabrik was coded for Fabrik 3.0. I have not tested yet in Fabrik 3.1 so I can't guarantee it is working. I remember that sh404SEF took some time to release a Joomla 3 version, so they may have changed quite a few things from the previous version.
I have only one finished site made in Joomla3 with fabrik + sh404SEF and, without special configuration, I noticed that Fabrik seemed to not be recognized by sh404SEF, but since it is only for one form (a contact form), I did not bother to check the plugin.
I have a more serious project where at some point I will - probably - use sh404SEF and - a lot of - Fabrik, so I will work on this plugin, but I can't tell you now when this is going to be.
it will be added to GitHub as soon as it is working though.
I manually updated the "userslug" field with the data on the table and it works fine.

Doing a little research I saw you get the data store in the table, the calc element is not evaluated and surely, for performance purposes, may be the best.

Thanks Jf. Good job with the plugin.
The problem with the calc element is that if you have already records in the database, you need to edit each record so the value calculated by the calc gets saved in the database. Otherwise it is not picked up by the SEF plugin.