Edit Records / or use field option broke with updates

i use the "Extension Manager" / "Update" and i did find one more update. it did not change anything. i have included login information for example sites.

Two sites, one before updates, one after Fabrik updates.
Backend: username ?administrator? password ?admin?
Frontend: username ?c004@caccaweb.net? password ?blachard?
new.caccaweb.com (before)
test.caccaweb.com (after)
After logging in with frontend go to ?Clubs? menu tab ?Club list? menu tab item.
When list fills you will see club #4 (5th item) you will see the ?after? site will not allow you to modify record item, where the ?before? site will allow modification to the record.
Feel free to make any changes to the sites to help. Both sites are just setup for testing.
Thanks is advance for any help you can provide.
Bob Brandes
It's possible there is a bug with the code in the 'after' site.

In addition to the updates performed within Joomla you should really perform a Github update.
I think we did some work on that quite recently.

Can you try the latest github and see if that fixes things.

-- hugh
The github update is way to complex to use for me, I chose Joomla because it does not require this level of complexity. When will the latest version of Fabrik be available using the "Update" in Joomla? Can i upload the latest version using the standard manual Extension Manager Install?