Elements managing and Class definition


New Member
Bonjour ? tous,
Apr?s avoir cherch? dans Fabrik, je vais avoir besoin de votre aide car je n'ai pas trouv? mes r?ponses.
J'ai cr?? une page Joomla (3.3.3) et un formulaire Fabrik (3.2)
J'ai un formulaire fabrik qui a des ?l?ments d'une table de diff?rents types: field, checksum , dropdown,...
Pour ce formulaire , j'ai appliqu? un boostrap special (merci Rob pour la vid?o!) . J'ai utilis? pour le lien de menu un template cr?? avec Template creator CK (TCK).
Quand je veux mettre par exemple un fond bleu pour un ?l?ment type FIELD , je modifie le fichier CSS du
TCK. Mais quand je veux faire la m?me chose pour un ?l?ment autre (dropdown, checksum, radiobouton,.. ), il n'y a aucune modification.
Avez-vous une id?e ?

Enfin je voudrais savoir o? se trouvent "fabrikForm" et "fabrikDetails"

Merci de votre aide.
Belle journ?e

Hello everyone,
After searching Fabrik, I'm going to need your help because I have not found my answers.
I created a Joomla page (3.3.3) and Fabrik form (3.2).
I have a fabrik form that has fields for a table of different types: field, checksum, dropdown ...
In this form, I applied a bootstrap special (thank you Rob for the video!). I used to link a menu template created with Template Creator CK.

When I want to put such a blue "background" for a FIELD element, I change the Template Creator CSS file.
But when I want to do the same action for other elements (dropdown, checksum, radiobouton, ..), no change.

Have you any idea?

Finally I would like to know where "fabrikForm" and "fabrikDetails".

Thanks a lot for your help.

Thanks, but it's a part of the problem.
I don't understand how it's possible to modify the display or the position of a databasejoin field or a checkbox field or etc... because I think that these fields have a
default definition and I would know where are these definitions.
So my second question : where are "fabrikForm" and "fabrikDetails" and also "fabrikinput"
Thanks for your help
Perhaps I'm stupid but I don't understand.
I already read these docs but unfortunately I don't understand on which template I must indicate the CSS properties
You have thne bootstrap or a copy of bootstrap template , and you have another template and for the moment it's only the css of the last template which acts.
I can add css rules on the custom_css, they unfortunately have no fact.
There is another problem: my english is no perfect and I think that you don't understand my problem.

C'est pourquoi je continue en fran?ais d?s maintenant.
Depuis 3 semaines que j'?tudie Fabrik, je remarque que je ne trouve pas de class type "fabrikForm", "fabrikDetails", "fabrikinput".
O? sont-ils?
Fabrik a son bootstap template que je commence ? mieux comprendre gr?ce ? la vid?o de Rob.
Mais quand je vais voir comment d?finir les CSS dans un custom_css.php, et bien cela ne marche pas avec moi et je ne vois pas o? je me trompe.

Voici un exemple:
j'ai cr?? un ?l?ment de type FIELD "nom de produit" appel? nom_prod qui appartient ? une table d'une base de donn?es.
Ensuite j'ai cr?? un deuxi?me ?l?ment de type RADIO BUTTON "activ?" appel? active_prod qui appartient ? la m?me table. 2 valeurs possibles: "oui "ou "non"
Enfin j'ai cr?? un troisi?me ?l?ment de type databasejoin "Famille" appel? fam_prod qui permet de choisir une valeur dans une table externe appel?e Familles.
Je veux avoir un background en rouge pour nom-prod , un background jaune pour active_prod, un background bleu pour fam_prod.
Cela peut para?tre simple mais comment faire? Je n'y arrive pas .
Merci de votre aide.
Joomla 3.3.3 / Fabrik 3.2
can you say me where are defined classes "fabrikForm", "fabrikDetails" please?
I don't find them in the Fabrik directory.
Thanks a lot for your help

These are only CSS classes which may or may not be defined.

Fabrik doesn't define them, if you want to use them you have to define them yourself in the custom_css.php file, e.g.
if you want to set all your labels in details view to red add to ...components\com_fabrik\views\details\tmpl\bootstrap\custom_css.php
#$form .fabrikLabel {color:red}

Use developer tool in Chrome or Firebug in Firefox to find the CSS classes and HTML ids you want to modify.
After studying different examples , I notice that only CSS files of the template of the site are applied and not the definitions installed in the custom_css.php.
Example: I add a background color for an element input in a custom_css in the FORM , no action. I add it in the CSS file of the template it's OK. Why ?
In the different subjects several solutions are proposed but I have no success with them .
below the custom_css.php of thre view form :

header('Content-type: text/css');
$c = (int) $_REQUEST['c'];
$view = isset($_REQUEST['view']) ? $_REQUEST['view'] : 'form';
$rowid = isset($_REQUEST['rowid']) ? $_REQUEST['rowid'] : '';
$form = $view . '_' . $c;
if ($rowid !== '')
$form .= '_' . $rowid;
echo "

/* BEGIN - Your CSS styling starts here */

#$form .foobar {
display: none;

#$form.produits input#exp_fab_prod___nom_prod {
Background-color: yellow;

/* END - Your CSS styling ends here */


Thks for your help.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.