Email article not running article content plugins


Active Member
Could someone with GIT access please add this in to allow email articles running the content plugins..


line 596

add the following 2 lines of code.....


Many thanks.

PS: It works well for me, to test I used extensive PHP nonumber source plugins in my article.
It much, much easier if you can submit a PR (Pull Request) on our github repo for any changes you want to suggest.

All you need is a Github account. Then fork our repo (one button bush). modify the code on your fork, then submit a PR (Pull Request) back to us.

You don't even have to do the "cloning your fork locally" bit, pulling/pushing changes from yur local clone to github. You can just fork the Fabrik repo, which then shows up on your github page. Navigate in your copy on the github site to the file(s) you want to change, edit the files on the web site, then submit the PR (as per the above link).

This then makes it 10x easier for us to merge changes you request. Your PR shows up here:

... and all we have to do is review them, and if they look OK, hit the "Merge" button.

-- hugh
However ... in this case, it just so happens that last night, I was working on another site, and found a need to do just this.

So I added an option to the email plugin, for "Run Plugins", as not everyone may wish to run content plugins on their article template. I also added this option to the main HTML helper function, FabrikHelperHTML:getContentTemplate(), to optionally run plugins. And I replaced the call in the email plugin that still used it's own version of that function (the one you modified), to call the helper function instead.

I added that helper a while back, after realizing we had duplicated that _getConentTemplate() function from the email plugin several times in other plugins, so it was time we added it as a helper, in one place. I had just never got round to modifying the email plugin to use the new helper, and remove that function from the email plugin.

Anyway ...

I'll go and commit those changes. If you could update from github and test them, I'd appreciate it.

-- hugh
Thanks Hugh, I will pull and test.

Good idea about the "Run Plugins" option.

I will make a plan with the GIThub account, and the fact that I can make online changes save me the hassle of having to setup locally......
