Email From Fabrik Not Sending


I have been using Fabrik for a long time, just did a fresh install on a site with 3.9.2.

I have a simple Fabrik form that should send an email to me after submit. easy peasy.

No Email though. The other email functions on the site work fine, like "contact us" and such. Test emails go thought just fine from global config. so email is sending from the server. Checked spam folder too, nothing.

It's just Fabrik that's not sending. I have never had that before, I can't see anything that would be preventing mail from sending from Fabrik. The plugin is enabled and is also ver 3.9.2.

What am I missing here?

thanks for any guidance
I think I would temporarily hack the plug-in that is sending the email and examine how it is calling. I've not used the plug-in for emailing and instead use the Joomla API for emailing like this:

   $mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
   $config = JFactory::getConfig();
   $sender = array($config->get('mailfrom'), $config->get('fromname'));
   $mailer->setSubject('{$jConfig_sitename} Notification: Your email subject line');
   $mailer->Encoding = 'base64';
   $someFormFieldValue = $formModel->getElementData('some_table___someFormFieldValue', true);
   $body =  'User {$my->name} [{$my->username}] sent this email for<p>'
          . 'formField2      :<b> ' . $data['listName___formField1'] . '</b><p>'
          . 'formField2 :<b> ' . $data['listName___formField2'] . '</b><p>'
   $send = $mailer->Send();
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