Error 500

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I would check that your connection details are the same as your Joomla db config settings
The assumption that the default site database is on connection ID 1 is fairly deeply ingrained in Fabrik, not something we are likely to fix. In fact, I'm not sure it's something we can really "fix". For various reasons, we have to make that assumption. Unless we add Yet Another Option, to allow you to designate which connection is the site default, but then we'd still have that issue with sites installed prior to adding such an option, as we'd have to default #1 to be the site connection.

-- hugh
You can have multiple connections pointing to different databases (even external ones), but the connection #1 has to point to the Joomla database.

But you can't use multiple connections in one list/form, i.e.
joining fabrik lists which are using different connections or
use dbjoin elements pointing to a list with a different connection or
use user elements (=databasejoin to a Joomla database table) in a list with an other connections
On a typical install, #1 is automatically the site database. It's clearly marked as "Site Database". We can't make it unchangeable, for a variety of reasons.

What I have just done is to make the language of the notice you get when you edit #1, to make it clearer that it MUST match your default J! site connection details.

-- hugh
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