Error when using field filter on dbjoin

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OK, I think I've fixed this one.

You have magic_quotes_gpc enabled on your site, which means that all posted form data gets quote marks escaped with \.

I've added a test in the relevant place in our listfilter.php model, to check for magic_quotes_gpc, and if necessary, stripslashes() on the filter key.

Seems to now work on your site. You may have to clear filters and ctrl-f5 the page to clear things out, then try again.

Let me know.

-- hugh
Fix confirmed! :) The majic_quotes_gpc setting must be my host's (SiteGround) default setting cause I didn't recall having any reason to change it.

Looks like this fix hasn't been added to GitHub yet so I will hold off on updates for now.
Updated from GitHub and yes, fixed. I will leave this thread open for a little while to hear if it is fixed for juuser.
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