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exclude element list



I have a list with name (field) and one option (radiobutton)
this list is linked by the plugin cascading dropdown in another list.

I need to exclude to the frontal view the elements to the list who have the radiobutton on.

You can manipulate list view from every element List view settings.
- Show in list
- Include in list query
Hi, I used pre-filter in my list

where radiobutton1 is null not quote access all

this pre filter works well in the list i don't see the element but I see this element in my cascading dropdown. The prefilter does'nt work.

How can I solved this problem

I run into exactly the same problem right now.
When I have no WHERE query in the ccd, the filters in the list are working.
Using a pre-filter works.

But not for the form (new add).
In the ccd I get the complete list.

But when I put in the WHERE query "active = 1" in the ccd it is not working .
It even blocks the list filter (ccd).
I don't get a selection.

I tried several notations of "active = 1" but no luck.

Is this recognizable for anyone?
Can somebody help me please?
Thanks in advance.
Cascading dropdown is tricky.
You can try to use a dbjoin element with "Data - where" and "Ajax update" enabled.
I don't find how does it works
Each time I have an error.
In my ccd element / details /data where

SELECT FROM {Mytable} WHERE myelement = 'mycondition';

Update ajax YES

but nothing works
Hi csantof,

I needed these filters for two different lists.

For the first list I used the db join and a status element with WHERE {thistable}.active ='0'.
The filter status of the status element is "none".

For the second list I used the ccd element but without WHERE.
I had filters on several elements.
I connected the element "Week" to the other elements.
A ccd watching "Week" for every filter.
So the filters only work if users select the week number or "All".

For me it is good enough for now.

I hope it helps :)
I' m sorry but each time It doesn't work. I'm really bad with SQL

So I resume:

first table :
field 1 : name (plugin field)
field 2 : ok (plug in radiobutton with 2 choice choice 1: yes (default) choice 2: no)

second table
field 1 : name (plugin dbjoin -> join with first table -> view list
field 2 :
field 3 : etc

on the second table in data-Where

WHERE {first table}.field 2 = yes -> for having only the list of the name ok
WHERE {thistable}.field2='1'

Literally {thistable}, it's replaced by Fabrik with the table alias which is not fixed, depending on other joins or elements you are using
=1 because you are working on MySQL level, i.e. with the raw database table/column values (yes/no are the labels, not stored in the database).