F3/J3 Bug: Element Icons in list not showing when used in joined lists


Active Member
Hi hugh,

I have found that when using element icons in a list, only the first icon is showed, and subsequent icons are not showed, only their raw values.

If I take the joined list out, they all show perfectly.



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I think I can confirm this one, I have seen it with the Yes \ No icons.

Are you on a recently Github as I know something was changed recently.
nope, no merge, simply each row on it's own. very basic display list.

It also does it with the standard yes/no icons, so has nothing to do with my icon replacement.

My GIThub update is probably 3 weeks ago, BUT this problem has been around for many months, I have simply not reported it, altho now I really need it as I am using much more joined lists

I have subsequently found that the problem occurs if your element values are 0,1,2.....and you use icons for this.

if you have string values, eg: 'yes', 'no', 'maybe' and you have icons for these, it works perfectly.

This goes for NORMAL unjoined lists as well. The first icon always is shown,. but subsequent icons do not, if the element values are integers

Can anyone point me in the right direction to go an look in code?

Any news on this matther, I have my site having similar issue with yes/no elements. It will display the NO icon but never display the yes icon on the list. When I go in to edit the form, I see the yes no boxes, but not on the list itself.
sadly it looks like this is still unresolved.

I know fabrik extremely well as an application builder, but not enough on the code side, as I would have had a bash at debugging.

If someone can point me in the right direction I could try
sadly it looks like this is still unresolved

Sadly, nobody with the words "Subscriber" or "Pro" by their name is currently reporting this issue. Sorry to be so crassly commercial, but we have to pay our rent and put food on the table, and paying subscriber issues have to take precedence.

I'm not saying I could guarantee to fix it even for a paid subscriber, as it depends if it's down to a template specific Bootstrap issue, or is a browser specific thing, but I'd certainly be willing to have a go.

Once again, apologies for being so direct about this, I debated about whether I should respond, but I figured I may as well. Apart from anything else, my pesky utility company is expecting me to pay a bill. Again! I could have sworn I already paid them ... last month ... :)

-- hugh
Hi hugh,

I did actually volunteer to look at it but requested someone to point me in the right direction as to where to start.
