• Holiday Schedule

    Your code gophers will be away for the next couple of weeks so support will be sporadic. We should be fully back online by the end of September.

  • A new version of Full Calendar is now available.

    See the details here

Fabrik 3.1 - video tutorials


In Help -> Tutorial there are many excellent video tutorials. But some of them are quite old. Is it possible to send our own tutorials anywhere?

It would be great!

One of them, about Joomla and Fabrik installation:
We finally managed to finish get our Wiki migrated from the old MediaWiki, to it's new home here in XenCarta, integrated with the forums, and opened it up for general edit last night.

So yes, we positively encourage adding tutorials in the Wiki.

Now that we have the integrated Wiki, we will be starting to create an "official" 3.1 series of tutorials. I just need to confer with Rob, and come up with a structure in the Wiki which allows for easily finding both 'official' and contributed videos / tutorials.

-- hugh
re: Now that we have the integrated Wiki, we will be starting to create an "official" 3.1 series of tutorials. I just need to confer with Rob, and come up with a structure in the Wiki which allows for easily finding both 'official' and contributed videos / tutorials.

How we coming on this please? 4 months ago for the post.. 1 month as Standard member. It's actually been flustrating to even think of trying to start something....

Regards, Jim
/* bump */

Sorry, have to bump this...but I really have to. Are there any done? Any expected to be published in the next 2 days please?

Thanks !!