Fabrik error message

I am getting the error "Some parts of your form have not been correctly filled in" even when i just do a save with no changes (front end). if i do changes on the backend i have no problem and it did work with no problems earlier. i know i may have a bad setting, how can i find it?

Check you form settings:
"Save partially completed multi-page forms" should be NO.

Did you define any element validations?
I had 2 fields with a notempty and they were not empty and the fields have been set like that since the begining and things worked find. But i removed the validations and the problem went away, and i can live without the validations.


(You can close)
Validations should really work.
Did you check the "multipage" setting?

You can close your thread with "Thread tools" at the top.
As Troester said, this should definitely work. Is it just the "not empty" validation that causes this? What happens if your try (say) "is numeric", and input a valid number?

-- hugh
The records are about member club. the FE cannot add or remove records. I had two fields when i set them up i set as "notempty". The club name and a short club name. i did not allow these two fields to be edited by the FE anyway so it was not a problem removing them. both fields had a value in them on the record that failed on a FE save.

this feature worked find until yesterday and i started getting the errors when i tried to save, even with no changes. when i get more time i will try to trace down the problem. i am sure that it is something else that i changed, things to not change without a reason. i just could not figure what was causing it. i went live with the site last thursday so i needed it fixed fast. i will go more traceing it down in a couple of weeks when things calm down, but removing the notempty turned the problem off for a while.

i will send you another message if i can pin it down more.

Thanks again.

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