Fabrik - Quix page builder error


I am using Quix page builder to build the page layouts where I display a fabrik list. I getting this error "Notice: Undefined index: id in /home/smeboost/public_html/components/com_quix/router.php on line 82" whenever I navigate to a quix page which has a fabrik list. The notice appears just above this list. Please note if I link the list to a joomla menu module and use the menu to navigate the error does not come up. The error comes up when I use a button and link the button to the url of the page where the list is housed.

I know the error is emanating from a quix php file but has anyone seen this before?

Kind regards
No idea, never used Quix. But it sounds like they are assuming the existence of a 'id' on the query string (or in the route components). We don't use 'id' (we use formid, or listid, etc).

As it's just a "notice" not an error, you can turn display of errors off (in your Global J! settings), so you won't see the PHP notice.

Or I could charge a few bucks to install Quix, fix their code and suggest the fix to the authors.

-- hugh

Thanks for the reply. I have put in a ticket with Quix so let me first wait for them to reply :) in the meantime I will go with the Global setting s solution.

Kind regards