fabrik search plugin

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As I mentioned in this thread https://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?threads/question-on-search.53721/#post-280978 I was able to get fabrik search plugin working. The only issue I have: as soon as there is a Joomla update the route.php is deleted and an error occurs, when searching (as reported here: https://github.com/joomla-extensions/search/issues/27 )
So after each update I have to upload route.php again.
Isn't there a way to avoid the dependency of the search plugin to route.php (e.g. include route.php code in fabrik search plugin) ?
Is it necessary at all to include route.php?

Otherwise it should be possible to move it to plugins\search\fabrik and include it from there.
(No time to test)
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Is it necessary at all to include route.php?
It seems so. If route.php is not available any search with fabrik search plugin enabled will result in an error.
I don't know if functions in route.php are called from fabrik search directly or via a call to another piece of code.
If I copy route.php to plugins\search\fabrik: what's the way to include it in the fabrik search code?
router.php is loaded in plugins\system\fabrik\fabrik.php line 457.

Try to comment out (to see if it's needed at all) or to change the path.
Seems route.php isn't necessary. I commented out line 457 in fabrik.php and now search is workung without error.
Will you do this change in fabriks codebase?

Thank you!
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