Fatal Error on New Element


New Member
Running latest 3.x from GitHub and Joomla 2.5.3 (fresh install, few extra plugins)

As soon as I hit "New" on the Elements I get an error :

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 25165824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 8192 bytes) in /home/sites/albacomp.co.uk/public_html/joom25/libraries/joomla/utilities/simplexml.php on line 1
Similar message occurs if I try to edit an existing one (the example contact datails)Any ideas?
It's problem of hosting but not Fabrik or Joomla
Check php_value memory_limit in .htaccess:
if not exist - add:
php_value memory_limit 32M
No need to apologize. I did 'thank' your post, which was entirely correct except for that one small detail.

Fabrik may function with only 32M, but it depends on how many elements you have and how many plugin types you have installed. So our minimum requirement is 64M, as that (pretty much) makes sure we will never hit memory related issues.

-- hugh