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field element containing email generates blank page when ajaxified


FabriKant d'applications web

Using F.3.1 on J3.3. I have a list and a detail view special link opening a variation of this list in a modal window (ajaxify links). It contains several elements among ones a regular one containing an email address. If this element is published, the window start opening then switch to a blank page showing only the email address with a mailto href and a spinning wheel turning infinitively. If it is set to unpublished the modal window open normally and shows everything as expected.

Also the switch "guess type of link" doesn't not work. Whatever I set yes or no, readonly or not, it always shows an email address with a mailto href (detail view).

If I turn off the ajaxify link, the detail view opens in the parent window and everything shows normally. Taking a look to the source code of the page, I notice that the email rendering is surrender with a JS script which seems to be here to disturb spamers bots. May be something wrong in the modal environment case ?

Thanks for any hints
It was indeed ! If I disable it AND disable "guess link type" in Fabrik, the email itself is displayed normally but, of course, can't be clicked. If I enable "guess link type" in Fabrik what ever is the plugin status, I got the error. If I enable the plugin, whatever is the Fabrik setup, I got the error.

For now I can live with it however it would be nice if it would be "clickable".
The new Joomla versions (3.3.2, 3.3.3) are mentioning email cloaking.
Maybe your issue has been fixed.
It's working on my site now (J!3.3.3, Fabri3.1 + Git).
In page source (popup window) email in table___element is cloaked (which doesn't help so much because it is cleartext in table___element_raw;))