• Holiday Schedule

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    See the details here

File extension error if upload chunk size is set


Files cannot be uploaded it chunk size is set.

Set any number in the chunk size for ajax upload
Try uploading a file

The files upload to 100% then throws a "File extension error" and deletes the uploaded file.

Please help resolve.

Apologies for asking this again. Have you figure out this issue ?

Is there any one to help including @mediaateam ? I'm ready to pay for solution.

Hugh is not available these days on Skype, so finding difficult to contact him.
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@sunnyjey - sorry for the delay in responding, we have been head down on a huge project. The good news is, that project is allowing us to make many new changes and improvements to Fabrik. I will be answering your email this week.
Looking at the code, seems like chunking was never actually implemented. The code is there in the Javascript to tell plupload to use it, but doesn't exist on the server side to actually append chunks together.

It would be possible to finish implementing it, but not trivial.

-- hugh
The good news is, that project is allowing us to make many new changes and improvements to Fabrik.

Thats very good news for all us. Thank you for the update.

It would be possible to finish implementing it, but not trivial.

We have started using DropBox Link to upload Big files as an alternative, Chunking is no more priority ATM.

PS: If other users are interested to have Chunk Upload, then please free to count us for the collective monetary contribution for the development.