• Joomla 5.1

    For running J!5.1 you must install Fabrik 4.1
    See also Announcements

  • Subscription and download (Fabrik 4.1 for J!4.2+ and J!5.1) are working now

    See Announcement
    Please post subscription questions and issues here

    We have resolved the issue with the J! updater and this will be fixed in the next release.

fileupload element Allowed File Types

In the fileupload element, “Details | Options | Allowed File Types” has the tip:

Leave blank for Joomla's Media Manager default file types, otherwise provide a comma separated list - e.g. jpg,gif. This field is used to validate the files after upload and if you are NOT using device capture also to limit the files that can be selected.​

However, if it is left blank, the File Upload dialog’s file type box shows “*.” (not whatever is specified in Media Manager) and the file list shows only files with a dot at the end (which Windows at least does not allow). If Allowed File Types is set to “*” (a single asterisk) the File Upload dialog’s file type box shows “All Files (*.*). That is fine for me, but it seems that the check for an empty Allowed File Types is not quite right somewhere.
I run also into it on one of my sites (but not on my localhost), so it may depend on php settings.
I didn't dig into it to check if it's J! or Fabrik. Fileinfo is installed on my failing site...

You can solve it by setting Check MIME types to No in Media Options or by copying the Legal Image Extensions into fileupload settings.

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I think it's php settings (or maybe Joomla), not Fabrik (meanwhile I can't replicate at all).

Settings: fileupload 'Allowed File Types empty'( -> = use J! media) + Media 'Check MIME Types'=yes (both are the defaults).

What do you have in Media "Allowed extensions"?
And which J! and php version?
fileupload element "Document" settings:

Allowed File Types:

Copied I think from Joomla Media settings.​

Joomla Media settings;

Allowed Extensions

As far as I am aware, unchanged from defaults. (.png is in twice)​
Check MIME Types: Yes

File Upload dialog file type box:

All Supported Types (*. bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.webp;*.ico;*.mp3;

Joomla! 4.3.3

PHP Version 8.0.30

These are the settings I put in place to get it working. As a check, I cleared Allowed Extensions; it made no difference and All Supported Types still appeared, unlike when it was first used. It is the only fileupload that has been added to the Joomla/Fabrik system. Puzzling.