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Fileupload: issues with the option "Ajax uploads"


Well-Known Member

Please verify the option "Ajax upload" for the fileupload element, it doesn't display any image in list/form/details. Might be because it will add only parent_id to the database but no path to the uploaded file(s). Another problem is that it will not create any thumbnail.

Work fine if this option is not enabled (but i need it), the files are uploaded/thumbnail is created/the path to the file will be added in the database table.

And even if i'm using the latest version of Firefox, sometime i get this message:

"Opps. Still on dinosaur technology? Time to update"

You can test it here

I use the latest Github version, Joomla 3.1.1

Thank you
The intermittent dinosaur error message should be gone now.
The images are displaying ok for me - perhaps re-up from github and re-test?

Something has been broken with this last update from Github, now i cannot use CDD elements, maybe because of the following errors? :)

And i still get the message with "Opps. Still on dinosaur technology? Time to update " in Chrome 27

Try to test it here: http://hartaimobile.ro/harta-imobile/adaugati-anunt


Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Uncaught Error: Script error http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#scripterror

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Uncaught Error: Script error http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#scripterror

Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: element/fileupload/fileupload-min http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#timeout
Ok, the problem with the show/hide images in list/form/details seems to be related to the Crop option. Soon as i activated this option i was able to see all the images in form/view/list. And yes, i have tried to set the option "Show media in form" to Full view, but it doesn't display the full image.