Filtering filtered results to multiple levels


New Member

I am fairly new to fabrik and I am not a programmer. I really like the extension and can see a tremendous amount of work went into it and I am using it now on several sites. Kudos to everyone who has contributed. :)

My issue is that I think fabrik can help with my application but I am not sure so I am hoping by describing something similar, that the group can tell me:

1) Is fabrik capable and the right extension to use? If not what would you suggest?

2) If so, is it all custom programming or will the built in functions give me the features I need?

3) A brief run through of how you would set it up if you were doing it (I know that is asking a lot, I would be looking for something simple like i.e. start with bottom results work backwards by adding a filtered field to each level. Or something along those lines)?

So the application I am trying to build filters massive amounts of information, but in order for the user to get the specific information that applies to them they would have to filter out everything that does not apply. So a similar application would be say car insurance. First we need to know what kind of coverage they want, then where the customer is located (because based on rural or city the rate will be different), then we need to know how old they are (this will calculate a different rate), then we need to know if they are the only one driving, are they married, do they own their own home, then what make of vehicle, then what model, then we go through all of the particular features on that model i.e. engine size, sports model, 2 door or 4 door. All of these questions are basically filtering questions that filter out everything that doesn't apply, but the filtering as it goes deeper is dependent upon the higher level filter, so basically we are filtering filtered results and sometimes to ten levels or more, can fabrik do that?

As you can see in the example we are gathering a lot of information to filter out everything that does not apply, to come up with the specific information for what does actually apply to this specific person and their circumstances/ vehicle. The end result would be what coverage they would receive and how much their premium would be.

I know this might be complex and a considerable amount of work. I am not afraid of the amount of work, what I am afraid of is getting very far into the project to find I picked the wrong tool to help me get to the end goal and I am looking for some reassurance that fabrik is it, before I hit the end of the entire learning curve.

Any help is very much appreciated.