Form buttons misaligned in mobile view


The "Next" and "Prev" buttons on my forms align properly when viewed from the desktop & tablet but when I switch to smaller screen (i.e. mobile) these buttons get misaligned and are not centered. See attachment 1; I am using Purity III template.

When I switch to Prostar it has the same issue but with even more misalignment. See attachment 2. Normally I see Fabrik working best with Prostar and if Prostar and Purity III both have an alignment issue could it be some wrong with Fabrik?

Does anyone have a solution for this?

Attachment 1 (Purity III).png Attachment 2 (Prostar).png
It's not really 'misaliged' (but it surely could be optimized).
It's using CSS class span4
and these spanX classes are going to width:100% on small screens (Protostar).

Keep in mind that the Fabrik layouts are generic ones for all forms which could include a lot more buttons (apply, copy, delete, reset...).
So you may add custom CSS to override these media queries in your form with only some buttons
or create a custom template with adapted default_actions.php

Thanks for the reply. In a nutshell what you are saying is that I need to do some work myself:):):). Thanks for the suggestions, I will try work on it

Kind regards

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