Form Module: Validation tooltips display raw html

Looks like a template issue - works in Protostar, doesn't work in Yoo Master 2.

It is creating various Console errors for js statements of the form "variable = New Class(stuff);"
Literally just today the YooTheme folk finally agreed to give me a license, so I can download their stuff for integration work. It's taken me 6 months to get them to agree to it, so all Yoo0Theme related work has been on hold. In the new year I'll download their new framework stuff and take a look.

-- hugh
But the issues about half a dozen users had raised earlier in the year were on paid templates, and the Pro framework stuff. And I simply wasn't going to waste time and effort on only the freebie stuff, which didn't benefit our users actually paying for their templates. We only support template vendors if they play ball, and give other Joomla extension devs unrestricted access to their products. Which all the others have always done ... RocketTheme, Gavick, JoomlArt etc. YooTheme were the only people I've ever had balk at giving me access for integration work. Just trying to get them to talk to me has been a freaking nightmare, getting bounced around and brushed off by a succession of "Pre Sales Specialists". So I simply crossed YouTheme off the list of frameworks we support.

Now I can actually download whatever I need, I'll put them back on the list, and start work when I've cleared my current template related workload (I'm working on some T3 related stuff atm).

-- hugh
If it's bitching about "Class is not a constructor", it could be a jquery plugin some system plugins load (there's a security plugin I've run across that uses it) which defines Class as a singleton, thus blowng away Mootools use of it as a constructor. And like it or not, with about 50k lines of Mootools based code in Fabrik, it's not going away any time soon. I'm steadily plugging away at migrating, but it'll be another year or so minimum.

-- hugh
He has literally just rewritten it to avoid some other code issues that I had to fix - and he has removed this stupidity during the rewrite. So its sorted - and thanks for your help.
I am using his plugin but not PDF generation.

With my feedback he has issued several updates recently. Are you on his latest version?
I'm using RicheyWeb's "EU e-privacy directive" latest plugin version 3.5.
I start a discussion also in his support forum.

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