Form Redirect plugin question

I have made 3 different forms. I want it like form 1 get submitted, then automaticly after submit it will jump to the second form, and after submitting that, it will jump automaticly to the thirth form.

I do it this way because i Need a user to submit different things, to create a testuser and then put it in different tables.

I tried this with the redirect plugin but with no luck.

The first link of the first form is
In the redirect plugin I added the link to the next form.


But when I save the form or submit it, its not redirecting to the other form.

The url is changing from

And not to

How can I get the redirection work??

Sorry for not knowing this, but I did read the explaination of this.. and it should even work with "/hulp_op_afstand_nu/" but it wont.

Any guidance is appreciated.
Don't set "Save and Next" = YES (See tooltip "If selected, all other options are ignored and we will redirect to edit the next rowid, subject to whatever filtering is in effect on the list")
Oh I missunderstood the tooltip.. language error.

Now I have another question. On the first form I use a YES/NO element.

When I put it on yes and use the "APPLY" button, the value one is stored in the database, and the Green yes is still switched on. However, the forward is not working on the apply button.

Is this possible to change it?

If not,

When I put the button on yes.. and I hit the save button. The redirection is working correctly. But, when going back to the first form.. the Yes/No button is turned red again.. and it looks like NO is selected.

But when I look in the Database table.. its Saying "1" . And, on the other forms, the queries what need Yes from the Yes no button... do work.

How can I get the YES/no Button keep showing Yes after save.

I also tried to remove the redirect to only hit save. Same thing is happening, the Yes button is not green anymore.. but in the database its showing 1.

mmm ok.. I understand now, When i use apply the form will stay and look in the same row with the same id.. so the yes/no button will stay on yes.

But when I press save, its someway closing the row and waiting till a hit save again to start a new row with a new id..

For this to work for me, I need a way, when I hit save, the form is staying in the same table row and looking to the same Id..

So in the example of the image. When I hit save, the form should use the row with ID 93 so the Yes button keeps switched on.
And then, later, when a User is deciding to set it to NO, the row will be overwritten.. but keeps on id 93.

How can I achieve that?
Ok, a more easy sollution.. When I show a list on the first page, and people add a list, they can save the yes... and it get redirected to the next form, etc.
When they want to change the yes.. they can open the record in the list to edit it.

Is it possible.. to turn of the redirect, when the yes/no is switched to no.. and then saved.. so it goes back to the list view?

I need this, because when a user dont want the help on distance anymore, he needs the possibility to switch it off by pressing no..

But, if no is pressed, its off no use to get redirected to the next form.

If no is pressed, I want to delete the temporary user.

I hope you understand what i try to explain.

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